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Friday, April 16, 2010

Push it!....real good.

Not that anyone is following this blog, but I feel obliged to apologize for not posting more regularly. I'm still getting used to the whole idea of blogging, and I'm getting my feet wet by going through my random assortment of funny, weird, and absurd products. And no, I don't buy these things, I just snap the pics in the store. So on to today's tidbit.

Here we have the "munchkin Deluxe Potty Seat" A few things amuse me with this one...I know, I know, you're saying to yourselves, that guy is too easily amused...and you'd be right. Now I'm not knocking the importance of training your little one for bathroom independence. You just have to wonder what fresh-out-of-college graphic artist is doing this layout.

The first thing that strikes me is the photo of the kid. I'm assuming he is either very happy to be using such a "deluxe seat" OR he's really blocked up and probably should be getting more fiber in his diet. He does look like he's straining a bit. The second thing to notice, is the TRY ME! sign. Now the sight of TRY ME on a kid's potty chair is hilarious in itself. True the smaller print clarifies the suggestion as referring to the adjustable handles, but still. Somewhere the marketing people for this company were thinking how can we sell more potty chairs. Clever packaging that's how. The last thing I wanted to point out is the age suggestion. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but 12 months seems just a little early for a child to be hitting the pot. Most kids are learning to walk at this age, so I doubt the ability to train seems like a stretch. I just don't think the dexterity is there. If any reader buys this feel free to post a comment on how well it worked out.

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