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Friday, February 5, 2010

Kellogg's really?......really?

Falling under the category "Why in the world do we need this?" is Kellogg's Hannah Montana cereal. The box subtitle describes this future breakfast staple as Multi-Grain Secret Identity Cereal. What do we mean by "secret identity" anyway? Could it be this "multi-grain" (corn & oats) cereal is really a disguise for something unhealthy? Could something so fun and colorful on the outside be so crappy on the inside. Oh, I get it, now the endorsement makes sense! As cereals go this one is not that imaginative. We've got red and purple disks. I mean, come on, Kellogg's cereal engineers couldn't design the cereal to be musically inspired like microphones or guitars? It's like they just gave up and didn't put much effort into this one. Comparatively, High School Musical cereal has vanilla-flavored stars, and wow, Kung Fu Panda Crunchers were fashioned with orange fortune cookies, yin-yang symbols, white panda bear heads and green pagodas. Now that's complex enough to rival Lucky Charms for sure. I'll be looking for these to show up in Big Lots soon. For the record Rice Krispies was introduced in 1928, and it's still around today!

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